Maximizing Production

Your employees come in every day and work hard. As you look out into the workspace, things seem to be moving along. Everyone is hustling and bustling to get the job done. But is it truly productive? Has the workflow been maximized to peak production levels? Maybe it’s time to evaluate and make some changes.

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The Challenge of Adversity

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” –     Helen Keller We are living in challenging times. Many businesses are temporarily closed. Schools are shut down for the remainder of the school year. Churches have switched to only

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T.E.A.M.W.O.R.K – Part II

Last week in Part I, we offered insight to team leaders. Today, we are directing our thoughts to the individual team members. As an employee, you are part of a team. And whether you always enjoy it or not, being part of a team teaches us much about human interaction and ourselves. Being part of

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T.E.A.M.W.O.R.K  – Part I 

As a leader in your company, bringing your people together into a strong team is part of your role. While every type of organization has a different objective and structure, there are some things that all great squads share in common. A Unifying Purpose  In all likelihood, your team will consist of people very different from yourself

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