Spring Cleaning your Social Media Pages 

Daylight has sprung us forward, and the trees are flaunting their pretty colors. The time has come for the annual clearing out. The yearly purge. Spring Cleaning. Besides, we all seem to have extra time right now with the stay-at-home edicts. Perhaps you are thinking of your pantry or the deepest, darkest depths underneath your

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Pandemonium and Pandemics – Handling COVID-19  

“The American spirit is stronger than stone and mortar, tougher than steel and glass, and more enduring than any pain or suffering that can be inflicted on our national conscience.”                                                                                       – Olympia Snowe As both the fears and the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic sweep across our nation, how are you responding as

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The Challenge of Adversity

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” –     Helen Keller We are living in challenging times. Many businesses are temporarily closed. Schools are shut down for the remainder of the school year. Churches have switched to only

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Stay Clean – Defeat COVID-19

One of the best defenses that we have in waging war on COVID-19 is proper sanitization. As an employer, part of your role is protecting your employees as best as you can. Try these tips for increasing cleanliness in your workplace. Hand Washing: According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the first defense mechanism is

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Bridging the Gap – The Skills Gap, That Is!

A skills gap occurs when employees or prospective candidates don’t meet the required skills and needs of a company. There is a wide variety of theories and debates about why, or when this is happening. Unfortunately, the solution can be challenging. For starters, knowing the skills your business requires, (and conveying that knowledge via adequate

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