The Challenge of Adversity

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” –     Helen Keller We are living in challenging times. Many businesses are temporarily closed. Schools are shut down for the remainder of the school year. Churches have switched to only

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T.E.A.M.W.O.R.K  – Part I 

As a leader in your company, bringing your people together into a strong team is part of your role. While every type of organization has a different objective and structure, there are some things that all great squads share in common. A Unifying Purpose  In all likelihood, your team will consist of people very different from yourself

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Building a Solid Reputation with Integrity 

“A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches.”    King Solomon In business, a ‘good name’ or in other words, your reputation, is everything. With today’s consumers – especially Millennials – putting stock in the values and the integrity of the companies they buy from, a compromised reputation directly affects the bottom line.

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