Top Tips for Conducting Virtual Interviews

In the turmoil of COVID-19, life has seemingly come to a grinding halt. And yet, as they say in show business, “The show must go on!” And so, must business. Even if the process is somewhat slowed down, staffing your company still has a critical role. Now, however, you must conduct your interviews virtually.

An abundance of tips and tools for virtual interviewing is at your disposal. But here are a few ideas to set yourself – and the candidate – up for success when interviewing via the digital screen.

Choose your virtual host
There are multiple services, including:

While these all provide the same basic, video conferencing needs, they have different pros and cons, each working differently for different business needs. Check them out to see what most fits for your company.

Test Your Technology
Before you begin an interview, make sure that all your technology is lined up and ready to go. Grab a current team member for a test run.  Confirm that everything works as it should – your internet should connect quickly, and your video camera should display a clear, non-blurry image.

It also doesn’t hurt to do a test run on yourself – ask your team member how you come across via video. Is there anything you should be conscious of in your appearance or demeanor?

Create a Good Interview Space 
For an optimized meeting, set up the interview in an area that is quiet, set apart, and well lit. Both too much, or too little light, make it harder to see and connect with the candidate.
Choose an area where the light can be controlled.
Make sure that you are in an area free from interruption where you can respectfully give the interviewee your complete attention.
Perhaps you have run virtual interviews from your office in the past, and already have something set up. But if you are running this from your home office, this may take some more deliberate planning.

Empower the Interviewee 
If you want this interview to succeed, prepare the candidate in advance, so they also feel assured of a positive experience. Forward them a checklist of guidelines a couple of days before the interview, including:

  • Whether they should wear headphones.
  • Requesting them to silence computer and phone notifications.
  • Suggesting they also set up in a quiet, well-lit spot.
  • Letting them know which hosting service you will be using.
  • Indicating they need access to a specific app or software.

Do not be afraid to over-communicate what you both can expect logistically. Convey any expectations sets you both up for a straightforward, distraction-free meeting.

Just a Few Virtual Interview Tips 
You want to run this as close to an in-person interview as possible. So, during your meeting, keep these things in mind.

  • Remain professional, yet warm and personal.
  • Share your vision for the company and how you see them potentially fitting into it.
  • Pay attention to your body language – present yourself as you would in person.
  • Make sure the camera remains at eye level.
  • If there is a glitch in the video or audio during the interview, let them know and ask them to repeat themselves.  Assure the interviewee that you expect the same from them.

Conducting virtual interviews is a great way to connect with potential employees. And even better, we are here to help you connect with those potentials! With over three decades of trusted experience, ERG Staffing offers flexible partnership models to meet your unique needs. Despite the uncertainty of the times, building and nourishing your team is integral. We take care of the headaches of recruiting and hiring…so you don’t have to. Contact us today and let us help you thrive!



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