Sometimes Success is Spelled T-E-M-P

More than three million temporary and contract employees work for America’s staffing companies during an average week. During the course of a year, America’s staffing companies hire nearly 17 million temporary and contract employees.”  American Staffing Association

The unemployment rate for 2019 remained at 3.7 – the lowest rate since 1969. That’s a lot of people working for America’s business. And experts predict that more than 40 million of those workers will be self-employed by the end of the year. So, what if you don’t want to be committed to one job/company 40 hours a week, but being self-employed means giving up too many benefits? There’s another option – connecting with a staffing company for temp work. It can be the best of both worlds.

Here’s what temporary workers love about being a temp. It allows you to:

Prepare for the Future:

It’s a terrific opportunity to work in different company cultures and discover what fits you best.

  • Do you prefer being on-the-go all day or sitting at a desk?
  • Do you thrive on lots of interaction with coworkers and customers, or do better behind the scenes by yourself?
  • What jobs pique your interests and motivate you to learn new skills, and which ones aren’t your style?

Temp working is a great way to discover you – before you accept a full-time position with one employer. Who knows, it might even open the door to a career field you never considered.

Build your Network:

Working for different companies in a variety of industries puts your name out there. It’s an excellent way to build an extensive network. When you’re ready to go full time with one company, or maybe even try self-employment, these contacts will be invaluable.

Build your resume:

Working different positions within a field or even in various industries helps you build your repertoire of skills and experience – always a resume plus.

Enjoy Flexibility and Variety:

  • Some positions are only a few weeks, others are a few months, and occasionally, they last longer. This provides variety in your work.
  • It can also give you choices. Sometimes a staffing company has more than one opportunity available for you to choose from, but even when they don’t, finishing one assignment often means being offered something different for your next one.
  • Temp work allows room for flexibility. When one assignment finishes, you might want to take a week or two off before starting another one. (of course, you want to be readily available to score high marks with your staffing company)


You might enjoy temp work so much that you keep doing it. On the other hand, if you find an assignment you love, being a great temp can often open the door to a full-time permanent job within a company.


Working as a temp offers many of the plusses that come with self-employment without losing the benefits package that comes with a permanent position. Reputable temp staffing agencies often provide benefits to their temp employees.

Between jobs or ready for a change? Treat yourself and visit ERG Staffing to check out our temp positions. Whether you’re looking for a job in light industrial work, the skilled trades, or in a technical, clerical or professional position, if you are ready to work, ERG Staffing is here to help you find opportunities that match your experience, interests, and skills. Throughout your assignment, we’ll continue supporting you, providing feedback on your performance, and addressing any issues that might arise when you’re on the job. Once your assignment ends, we’ll help you find new opportunities that match your skills and talent so that you can create your path to career success. Contact us today.



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